Lung Fung Self-ordering Kiosk

This project involves designing and implementing a self-ordering kiosk system for a restaurant. The goal is to streamline the ordering process, enhance customer convenience, and improve overall operational efficiency.

Client: Lung Fung
Year: 2022
Role: Prototyping, UX/UI Design
Design tools: Figma, Illustrator

Creating a flow

I began the project by constructing a detailed flowchart for the self-ordering kiosk, mapping out the entire customer journey from point A to point Z. This includes every step, from a customer arriving at the restaurant to placing an order, and finally, either picking up their meal or having it served in the restaurant.


After finalizing the flowchart, I moved on to organizing all the menu items and categorizing them for the interface to ensure easy navigation for users. For the filter system, we decided to focus on filtering by protein, as Lung Fung’s customers typically prioritize protein when picking their dishes. This approach makes the ordering process more intuitive and tailored to the preferences of the restaurant’s customers.


Another important feature was the ability to customize dishes. Lung Fung’s customers often have dietary needs or preferences, such as leaving out vegetables due to personal taste or avoiding nuts because of allergies. Integrating this feature made ordering more seamless and user-friendly on the self-ordering kiosk.

Creating a flow

I began the project by constructing a detailed flowchart for the self-ordering kiosk, mapping out the entire customer journey from point A to point Z. This includes every step, from a customer arriving at the restaurant to placing an order, and finally, either picking up their meal or having it served in the restaurant.


After finalizing the flowchart, I moved on to organizing all the menu items and categorizing them for the interface to ensure easy navigation for users. For the filter system, we decided to focus on filtering by protein, as Lung Fung’s customers typically prioritize protein when picking their dishes. This approach makes the ordering process more intuitive and tailored to the preferences of the restaurant’s customers.


Another important feature was the ability to customize dishes. Lung Fung’s customers often have dietary needs or preferences, such as leaving out vegetables due to personal taste or avoiding nuts because of allergies. Integrating this feature made ordering more seamless and user-friendly on the self-ordering kiosk.

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